Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The best invention ever made

The wiffle ball.
Was the baseball not enough for everyone? Wiffle ball is like the game for wimps who are too scared to play baseball. Well, I played this game in p.e. today. It was VERY bad. Don't get me wrong, I do really like this game, but not with the people I played it with. I am not a bases person or an oufielder. I am a catcher. But of course the catcher was taken so I was the left fielder. When the batter hit the ball, it went straight toward me. I just stared at it, waiting for it to do whatever damage it was going to do. I did not brace myself, I just stared. The ball hit me in the place where boys do not want to be hit. I screamed ow! on impact and immediatley my hands flew to the targeted place. Everyone around me screamed OOO! like they felt my pain, but then they started cheering. I didnt know why until I realized I had ended up catching the ball. Wow. My friends came up to me and gave me hugs saying I was so aweseome. I felt awesome, if you know what I mean. The next time I was on the field, I had the unfortunate place of second base. I crossed my arms and stood there ignoring the ball if it came near me. I guess that made people mad becuase they were screaming and yelling at me. LOUDLY. CATCH THE BALL!!! I would say NO!!! and then get yelled at more. I found out later they were only yelling because they were so into the game. yeah ok.


  1. That was so funny. Actually you were standing in right field, but who cares? Anyway, I was on the team that hit that ball, but I still thought that was awesome.

  2. Oh I didnt know what field I was in. I could have sworn it was left. But oh well.
